
What is a Call Number?

  • It's like an address
  • Tells you where a book (or other item) is located on the shelf
  • Represents the content of the book based on a specific classification system

During Summer 2017, Daemen College switched from the Dewey Decimal Classification System to the Library of Congress Classification System.

Library of Congress in a Nutshell!

  • First developed in late 19th and early 20th centuries to organize book collections in the Library of Congress
  • Uses a combination of letters and numbers to group items by their subject content
  • Divides all knowledge into 21 basic concepts, which are further divided into subclasses

What does this mean? It means that when looking at a book on the shelf, the books around it will be on the same or a similar topic.

Reading a Call Number

Note: Call numbers are read line by line, top to bottom.