Step 3: Evidence Appraisal
Rapid Critical Appraisal - Video
Credit: Molly Montgomery, MLS, MS - ISU Library
What is Critical Appraisal?
After finding articles, we need to determine what is worth keeping and including in our research. We do this through a critical appraisal of each piece of evidence. Critical appraisal is the process of carefully and systematically examining research to judge its trustworthiness, and its value and relevance in a particular context.
You want to ask:
- What are the results?
- Are the results valid?
- How useful is it to your patient/population/practice?
Evidence Appraisal Guides/Checklists
Different study types require different criteria for appraisal. Use the links below to find helpful guides and checklists for appraising articles. (Refer back to the Searching - Study Types section of this guide for tips on how to determine the study type of an article.)
- CASP ChecklistsCritical Appraisal Skills Programme.
- Evidence Levels and Quality Guide©The Johns Hopkins Hospital/The Johns Hopkins University
- Introduction to Evidence-Based Practice - AppraiseSelf-guided tutorial from Duke University Medical Center Library.
Creating a Literature Matrix
A literature matrix, or table of evidence, is a tool that will help you organize and synthesize the results of the articles you've found. Create a spreadsheet and, for each study you find during your research, create the following column headings:
Problem/Purpose | Design | Sample | Methods | Instruments | Findings | Implications | Limitations |
How to Read a Paper
How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine by ...demystifies evidence-based medicine and explains how to critically appraise published research and also put the findings into practice. An ideal introduction to evidence-based medicine, How to Read a Paper explains what to look for in different types of papers and how best to evaluate the literature and then implement the findings in an evidence-based, patient-centered way. Helpful checklist summaries of the key points in each chapter provide a useful framework for applying the principles of evidence-based medicine in everyday practice.
Call Number: eBookPublication Date: 2014