Searching the Library Catalog

The library's online catalog allows you to search for books, e-books, DVDs, streaming video, and other items related to your topic. Use the SearchCat search on the library homepage, or use the search box below to search for materials directly from this page.

It is a good idea to keep your search statements and keywords minimal when searching the catalog. Books and eBooks deal with broad topics so keep search statements and keywords broad as well. For example, "teenagers AND smoking AND cars AND health" is too specific for the library catalog. However, "teenagers AND smoking" will return results.

Research Benefits of Books, eBooks, & Media

Books and eBooks are great for in-depth, yet relatively broad, coverage of your topic. Because of that, books can be a fantastic source of additional background information. Most scholarly books will address your topic from multiple angles, and some will even offer multiple viewpoints. Books and eBooks undergo a longer writing, editing, and publication process than other types of formats like academic journals, magazines, newspapers, and web content. While a book will not be the most current source of information, they are perfectly fine for topics that do not depend on the most recent research.

To locate books, eBooks, media and other items, your best option is to use the Books & Media tab on the library catalog search box located on the library's homepage.